The core of our value is responsibility and connectivity, where we aim to develop our business in a sustainable and environmentally responsible manner, benefiting both the environment and the community, and delivering value to all stakeholders involved in our supply chain.


At all of our factories, production facilities, processing plants, and farms, DETECH is always committed to creating true value from our products while also providing stable employment, sustainable livelihoods, and improved quality of life for our people.


DETECH has established the International Women’s Coffee Alliance Vietnam (IWCA Vietnam), a non-profit social enterprise with the goal of supporting job opportunities, providing knowledge, and expanding information networks for women in coffee industry, both nationally and specifically in Sơn La. This initiative contributes to improving the quality of life for women in coffee-growing regions.

Trách nhiệm xã hội

Không chỉ tập trung phát triển kinh tế, DETECH thường xuyên thực hiện trách nhiệm xã hội thông qua các hoạt động thiện nguyện, ủng hộ miền Trung, đấu tranh Covid, hỗ trợ mổ tim cho trẻ em có hoàn cảnh khó khăn, quỹ vì người nghèo…

(+84) 24 3768 9230